1 /**
2     Work with scaffold graphs.
4     Copyright: © 2018 Arne Ludwig <arne.ludwig@posteo.de>
5     License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the
6              included LICENSE file.
7     Authors: Arne Ludwig <arne.ludwig@posteo.de>
8 */
9 module dentist.common.scaffold;
11 import dentist.common.alignments : getType;
12 import dentist.util.log;
13 import dentist.util.math :
14     add,
15     bulkAdd,
16     filterEdges,
17     Graph,
18     MissingNodeException,
19     NaturalNumberSet;
20 import std.algorithm :
21     count,
22     equal,
23     filter,
24     fold,
25     joiner,
26     map,
27     minElement,
28     setDifference,
29     sort,
30     sum;
31 import std.array : appender, array;
32 import std.conv : to;
33 import std.functional : binaryFun;
34 import std.range :
35     enumerate,
36     iota,
37     isForwardRange,
38     only,
39     refRange,
40     retro,
41     save,
42     walkLength;
43 import std.typecons : Flag, No, Tuple, Yes;
44 import vibe.data.json : toJson = serializeToJson;
46 debug
47 {
48     import std.conv : to;
49     import std.stdio : writeln;
50 }
53 ///
54 unittest
55 {
56     //             contig 1      contig 2
57     //
58     //            o        o     o        o
59     //                    / e1 e2 \      / e4
60     //              o -- o ------- o -- o
61     //               \        e3         \
62     //                \                   \ e5 (strong evidence)
63     //             e10 \   ____________   /
64     //                  \ /   e6       \ /
65     //    o -- o         o -- o         o -- o
66     //                         \ e7 e8 /      \ e9
67     //  o        o     o        o     o        o
68     //
69     //   contig 5       contig 4      contig 3
70     //
71     alias Payload = int[];
72     alias J = Join!Payload;
73     alias S = Scaffold!Payload;
74     alias CN = ContigNode;
75     alias CP = ContigPart;
76     auto scaffold = buildScaffold!(concatenatePayloads!Payload, Payload)(5, [
77         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post ), [1]), // e1
78         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post ), [1]), // e1
79         J(CN(2, CP.pre), CN(2, CP.begin), [1]), // e2
80         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.begin), [1]), // e3
81         J(CN(2, CP.end), CN(2, CP.post ), [1]), // e4
82         J(CN(2, CP.end), CN(3, CP.end  ), [1, 1]), // e5
83         J(CN(4, CP.end), CN(3, CP.end  ), [1]), // e6
84         J(CN(4, CP.end), CN(4, CP.post ), [1]), // e7
85         J(CN(3, CP.pre), CN(3, CP.begin), [1]), // e8
86         J(CN(3, CP.end), CN(3, CP.post ), [1]), // e9
87         J(CN(4, CP.end), CN(1, CP.begin), [1]), // e10
88     ]).discardAmbiguousJoins!Payload(1.5);
89     //
90     //   contig 1      contig 2
91     //
92     //  o        o     o        o
93     //          / e1 e2 \      / e4
94     //    o -- o ------- o -- o
95     //              e3
96     //
97     //    o -- o         o -- o         o -- o
98     //                         \ e7 e8 /      \ e9
99     //  o        o     o        o     o        o
100     //
101     //   contig 5       contig 4      contig 3
103     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post)) in scaffold); // e1
104     assert(J(CN(2, CP.pre), CN(2, CP.begin)) in scaffold); // e2
105     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.begin)) in scaffold); // e3
106     assert(J(CN(2, CP.end), CN(2, CP.post)) in scaffold); // e4
107     assert(J(CN(2, CP.end), CN(3, CP.end)) in scaffold); // e5
108     assert(J(CN(4, CP.end), CN(3, CP.end)) !in scaffold); // e6
109     assert(J(CN(4, CP.end), CN(4, CP.post)) in scaffold); // e7
110     assert(J(CN(3, CP.pre), CN(3, CP.begin)) in scaffold); // e8
111     assert(J(CN(3, CP.end), CN(3, CP.post)) in scaffold); // e9
112     assert(J(CN(4, CP.end), CN(1, CP.begin)) !in scaffold); // e10
114     assert(scaffold.get(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post))).payload == [1, 1]); // e1
115 }
117 /// Each contig has four designated parts where joins can start or end.
118 static enum ContigPart : ubyte
119 {
120     /// Designates a transcendent point *before* the contig where
121     /// front extensions end.
122     pre,
123     /// Designates the begin of the contig.
124     begin,
125     /// Designates the end of the contig.
126     end,
127     /// Designates a transcendent point *after* the contig where
128     /// back extensions end.
129     post,
130 }
132 bool isReal(in ContigPart contigPart) pure nothrow
133 {
134     return contigPart == ContigPart.begin || contigPart == ContigPart.end;
135 }
137 bool isTranscendent(in ContigPart contigPart) pure nothrow
138 {
139     return contigPart == ContigPart.pre || contigPart == ContigPart.post;
140 }
142 /**
143     A contig is represented by four `ContigNodes` in the scaffold graph.
145     See_Also: ContigPart
146 */
147 alias ContigNode = Tuple!(size_t, "contigId", ContigPart, "contigPart");
148 /// Represents a set of joins which conclude possibly several scaffolding
149 /// variants.
150 alias Scaffold(T) = Graph!(ContigNode, void, No.isDirected, T);
151 alias Join(T) = Scaffold!T.Edge;
153 Join!T sumPayloads(T)(Join!T[] joins...) nothrow
154 {
155     assert(joins.length > 0);
157     auto mergedJoin = joins[0];
159     mergedJoin.payload = joins
160         .map!"a.payload"
161         .sum;
163     return mergedJoin;
164 }
166 Join!T concatenatePayloads(T)(Join!T[] joins...) nothrow
167 {
168     assert(joins.length > 0);
170     auto mergedJoin = joins[0];
172     mergedJoin.payload = joins
173         .map!"a.payload"
174         .joiner
175         .array;
177     return mergedJoin;
178 }
180 J dontJoin(J)(J j1, J j2) pure nothrow
181 {
182     j1.payload = T.init;
184     return j1;
185 }
187 /// Returns true iff join is a default edge of the scaffold graph.
188 bool isDefault(J)(in J join) pure nothrow
189 {
190     return join.start.contigPart == ContigPart.begin &&
191            join.end.contigPart == ContigPart.end &&
192            join.start.contigId == join.end.contigId;
193 }
195 /// Returns true iff join is a unknown edge, ie. an edge for unknown sequence
196 /// (`n`s) of the scaffold graph.
197 bool isUnkown(J)(in J join) pure nothrow
198 {
199     return join.start.contigId != join.end.contigId &&
200         (join.start.contigPart != join.end.contigPart) &&
201         join.start.contigPart.isTranscendent &&
202         join.end.contigPart.isTranscendent;
203 }
205 /// Returns true iff join is a gap edge of the scaffold graph.
206 bool isGap(J)(in J join) pure nothrow
207 {
208     return join.start.contigId != join.end.contigId &&
209         (join.start.contigPart.isReal) &&
210         (join.end.contigPart.isReal);
211 }
213 /// Returns true iff join is a gap edge and anti-parallel.
214 bool isAntiParallel(J)(in J join) pure nothrow
215 {
216     return join.isGap && join.start.contigPart == join.end.contigPart;
217 }
219 /// Returns true iff join is a gap edge and parallel.
220 bool isParallel(J)(in J join) pure nothrow
221 {
222     return join.isGap && join.start.contigPart != join.end.contigPart;
223 }
225 /// Returns true iff join is an extension edge of the scaffold graph.
226 bool isExtension(J)(in J join) pure nothrow
227 {
228     return isFrontExtension(join) ^ isBackExtension(join);
229 }
231 /// Returns true iff join is a front extension edge of the scaffold graph.
232 bool isFrontExtension(J)(in J join) pure nothrow
233 {
234     return join.start.contigId == join.end.contigId &&
235         join.start.contigPart == ContigPart.pre &&
236         join.end.contigPart == ContigPart.begin;
237 }
239 /// Returns true iff join is a back extension edge of the scaffold graph.
240 bool isBackExtension(J)(in J join) pure nothrow
241 {
242     return join.start.contigId == join.end.contigId &&
243         join.start.contigPart == ContigPart.end &&
244         join.end.contigPart == ContigPart.post;
245 }
247 /// Returns true iff join is a valid edge of the scaffold graph.
248 bool isValid(J)(in J join) pure nothrow
249 {
250     return isDefault(join) ^ isGap(join) ^ isExtension(join) ^ isUnkown(join);
251 }
253 /// Build a scaffold graph using `rawJoins`. This creates default edges and
254 /// inserts the rawJoins.
255 Scaffold!T buildScaffold(alias mergeMultiEdges, T, R)(in size_t numReferenceContigs, R rawJoins)
256 {
257     auto scaffold = initScaffold!T(numReferenceContigs)
258         .addJoins!(mergeMultiEdges, T)(rawJoins);
260     return scaffold;
261 }
263 /// Creates a scaffold with all the default edges. Optionally specify a
264 /// function that produces the payloads.
265 ///
266 /// See_Also: `getDefaultJoin`
267 Scaffold!T initScaffold(alias getPayload, T)(in size_t numReferenceContigs)
268 {
269     auto contigIds = iota(1, numReferenceContigs + 1);
270     auto contigNodes = contigIds
271         .map!(contigId => only(
272             ContigNode(contigId, ContigPart.pre),
273             ContigNode(contigId, ContigPart.begin),
274             ContigNode(contigId, ContigPart.end),
275             ContigNode(contigId, ContigPart.post),
276         ))
277         .joiner
278         .array;
279     auto initialScaffold = Scaffold!T(contigNodes);
281     static if (__traits(compiles, getPayload is null) && (getPayload is null))
282     {
283         alias createDefaultJoin = getDefaultJoin!T;
284     }
285     else
286     {
287         alias createDefaultJoin = getDefaultJoin!(getPayload, T);
288     }
290     initialScaffold.bulkAddForce(contigIds.map!createDefaultJoin.array);
292     return initialScaffold;
293 }
295 /// ditto
296 Scaffold!T initScaffold(T)(in size_t numReferenceContigs)
297 {
298     return initScaffold!(null, T)(numReferenceContigs);
299 }
301 /**
302     Get the default join for contigId. Initialize payload with
303     `getPayload(contigId)` if given.
304 */
305 Join!T getDefaultJoin(T)(size_t contigId) pure nothrow
306 {
307     return Join!T(
308         ContigNode(contigId, ContigPart.begin),
309         ContigNode(contigId, ContigPart.end),
310     );
311 }
313 /// ditto
314 Join!T getDefaultJoin(alias getPayload, T)(size_t contigId) pure nothrow
315 {
316     return Join!T(
317         ContigNode(contigId, ContigPart.begin),
318         ContigNode(contigId, ContigPart.end),
319         getPayload(contigId),
320     );
321 }
323 private Scaffold!T addJoins(alias mergeMultiEdges, T, R)(Scaffold!T scaffold, R rawJoins) if (isForwardRange!R)
324 {
325     version (assert)
326     {
327         foreach (ref join; rawJoins.save)
328         {
329             assert(join.isValid && !join.isDefault);
330         }
331     }
333     scaffold.bulkAdd!mergeMultiEdges(rawJoins);
335     return scaffold;
336 }
338 /// This removes ambiguous gap insertions.
339 Scaffold!T discardAmbiguousJoins(T)(Scaffold!T scaffold, in double bestPileUpMargin)
340 {
341     static if (__traits(compiles, getType(join.payload)))
342         alias joinToJson = (join) => shouldLog(LogLevel.debug_)
343             ? join.toJson
344             : [
345                 "start": join.start.toJson,
346                 "end": join.end.toJson,
347                 "payload": [
348                     "type": join.payload.getType.to!string.toJson,
349                     "readAlignments": shouldLog(LogLevel.debug_)
350                         ? join.payload.map!"a[]".array.toJson
351                         : toJson(null),
352                 ].toJson,
353             ].toJson;
354     else
355         alias joinToJson = (join) => join.toJson;
357     auto incidentEdgesCache = scaffold.allIncidentEdges();
359     foreach (contigNode; scaffold.nodes)
360     {
361         assert(!contigNode.contigPart.isTranscendent || incidentEdgesCache[contigNode].length <= 1);
363         if (contigNode.contigPart.isReal && incidentEdgesCache[contigNode].length > 2)
364         {
365             auto incidentGapJoins = incidentEdgesCache[contigNode].filter!isGap.array;
366             auto correctGapJoinIdx = incidentGapJoins.findCorrectGapJoin!T(bestPileUpMargin);
368             if (correctGapJoinIdx < incidentGapJoins.length)
369             {
370                 // Keep correct gap join for diagnostic output
371                 auto correctGapJoin = incidentGapJoins[correctGapJoinIdx];
373                 // Remove correct gap join from the list
374                 incidentGapJoins = incidentGapJoins[0 .. correctGapJoinIdx] ~
375                                    incidentGapJoins[correctGapJoinIdx + 1 .. $];
377                 logJsonDiagnostic(
378                     "info", "removing bad gap pile ups",
379                     "sourceContigNode", contigNode.toJson,
380                     "correctGapJoin", joinToJson(correctGapJoin),
381                     "removedGapJoins", incidentGapJoins.map!joinToJson.array.toJson,
382                 );
383             }
384             else
385             {
386                 logJsonDiagnostic(
387                     "info", "skipping ambiguous gap pile ups",
388                     "sourceContigNode", contigNode.toJson,
389                     "removedGapJoins", incidentGapJoins.map!joinToJson.array.toJson,
390                 );
391             }
393             // Mark bad/ambiguous pile ups for removal
394             foreach (gapJoin; incidentGapJoins)
395             {
396                 gapJoin.payload = T.init;
397                 scaffold.add!(scaffold.ConflictStrategy.replace)(gapJoin);
398             }
399         }
400     }
402     return removeNoneJoins!T(scaffold);
403 }
405 size_t findCorrectGapJoin(T)(Join!T[] incidentGapJoins, in double bestPileUpMargin)
406 {
407     if (incidentGapJoins.length < 2)
408         // There is no ambiguity in the first place.
409         return 0;
411     auto pileUpsLengths = incidentGapJoins
412         .map!"a.payload.length"
413         .map!(to!double)
414         .enumerate
415         .array;
416     pileUpsLengths.sort!"a.value > b.value";
417     auto largestPileUp = pileUpsLengths[0];
418     auto sndLargestPileUp = pileUpsLengths[1];
420     if (sndLargestPileUp.value * bestPileUpMargin < largestPileUp.value)
421         return largestPileUp.index;
422     else
423         return size_t.max;
424 }
426 /// Get join for a stretch of unknown sequence (`n`s).
427 Join!T getUnkownJoin(T)(size_t preContigId, size_t postContigId, T payload) pure nothrow
428 {
429     assert(preContigId != postContigId);
430     return Join!T(
431         ContigNode(preContigId, ContigPart.post),
432         ContigNode(postContigId, ContigPart.pre),
433         payload,
434     );
435 }
437 /// Normalizes unknown joins such that they join contigs or are removed as
438 /// applicable.
439 Scaffold!T normalizeUnkownJoins(T)(Scaffold!T scaffold)
440 {
441     mixin(traceExecution);
443     auto numUnkownJoins = scaffold.edges.count!isUnkown;
444     auto newJoins = appender!(Join!T[]);
445     newJoins.reserve(numUnkownJoins);
446     auto removalAcc = appender!(Join!T[]);
447     removalAcc.reserve(numUnkownJoins);
448     auto degreesCache = scaffold.allDegrees();
450     foreach (unkownJoin; scaffold.edges.filter!isUnkown)
451     {
452         auto preContigId = unkownJoin.start.contigId;
453         auto preContigEnd = ContigNode(preContigId, ContigPart.end);
454         auto postContigId = unkownJoin.end.contigId;
455         auto postContigBegin = ContigNode(postContigId, ContigPart.begin);
457         bool isPreContigUnconnected = degreesCache[preContigEnd] == 1;
458         bool hasPreContigExtension = scaffold.has(Join!T(
459             preContigEnd,
460             unkownJoin.start,
461         ));
462         bool hasPreContigGap = !isPreContigUnconnected && !hasPreContigExtension;
463         bool isPostContigUnconnected = degreesCache[postContigBegin] == 1;
464         bool hasPostContigExtension = scaffold.has(Join!T(
465             unkownJoin.end,
466             postContigBegin,
467         ));
468         bool hasPostContigGap = !isPostContigUnconnected && !hasPostContigExtension;
470         if (isPreContigUnconnected && isPostContigUnconnected)
471         {
472             newJoins ~= Join!T(
473                 preContigEnd,
474                 postContigBegin,
475                 unkownJoin.payload,
476             );
478             unkownJoin.payload = T.init;
479             removalAcc ~= unkownJoin;
480         }
481         else if (isPreContigUnconnected && hasPostContigExtension)
482         {
483             newJoins ~= Join!T(
484                 preContigEnd,
485                 unkownJoin.end,
486                 unkownJoin.payload,
487             );
489             unkownJoin.payload = T.init;
490             removalAcc ~= unkownJoin;
491         }
492         else if (hasPreContigExtension && isPostContigUnconnected)
493         {
494             newJoins ~= Join!T(
495                 unkownJoin.start,
496                 postContigBegin,
497                 unkownJoin.payload,
498             );
500             unkownJoin.payload = T.init;
501             removalAcc ~= unkownJoin;
502         }
503         else if (hasPreContigGap || hasPostContigGap)
504         {
505             unkownJoin.payload = T.init;
506             removalAcc ~= unkownJoin;
507         }
508     }
510     scaffold.bulkAddForce(newJoins.data);
511     foreach (noneJoin; removalAcc.data)
512     {
513         scaffold.add!(scaffold.ConflictStrategy.replace)(noneJoin);
514     }
516     return removeNoneJoins!T(scaffold);
517 }
519 ///
520 unittest
521 {
522     alias J = Join!int;
523     alias S = Scaffold!int;
524     alias CN = ContigNode;
525     alias CP = ContigPart;
527     //  Case 1:
528     //
529     //      o        oxxxxo        o   =>   o        o    o        o
530     //                                 =>
531     //        o -- o        o -- o     =>     o -- oxxxxxxxxo -- o
532     auto scaffold1 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!int, int)(2, [
533         getUnkownJoin!int(1, 2, 1),
534     ]).normalizeUnkownJoins!int;
535     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(1) in scaffold1);
536     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(2) in scaffold1);
537     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.begin)) in scaffold1);
538     assert(scaffold1.edges.walkLength == 3);
540     //  Case 2:
541     //
542     //      o        oxxxxo        o  =>  o        o   xxxo        o
543     //                     \          =>              /    \
544     //        o -- o        o -- o    =>    o -- oxxxx      o -- o
545     auto scaffold2 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!int, int)(2, [
546         getUnkownJoin!int(1, 2, 1),
547         J(CN(2, CP.pre), CN(2, CP.begin), 1),
548     ]).normalizeUnkownJoins!int;
549     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(1) in scaffold2);
550     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(2) in scaffold2);
551     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.pre)) in scaffold2);
552     assert(J(CN(2, CP.pre), CN(2, CP.begin)) in scaffold2);
553     assert(scaffold2.edges.walkLength == 4);
555     //  Case 3:
556     //
557     //      o        oxxxxo        o  =>  o        o    o        o
558     //                                =>
559     //        o -- o        o -- o    =>    o -- o        o -- o
560     //                      |         =>                  |
561     //                      o -- o    =>                  o -- o
562     //                                =>
563     //                    o        o  =>                o        o
564     auto scaffold3 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!int, int)(3, [
565         getUnkownJoin!int(1, 2, 1),
566         J(CN(2, CP.begin), CN(3, CP.begin), 1),
567     ]).normalizeUnkownJoins!int;
568     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(1) in scaffold3);
569     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(2) in scaffold3);
570     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(3) in scaffold3);
571     assert(J(CN(2, CP.begin), CN(3, CP.begin)) in scaffold3);
572     assert(scaffold3.edges.walkLength == 4);
574     //  Case 4:
575     //
576     //      o        oxxxxo        o  =>  o        oxxx   o        o
577     //              /                 =>          /    \
578     //        o -- o        o -- o    =>    o -- o      xxxxo -- o
579     auto scaffold4 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!int, int)(2, [
580         getUnkownJoin!int(1, 2, 1),
581         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post), 1),
582     ]).normalizeUnkownJoins!int;
583     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(1) in scaffold4);
584     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(2) in scaffold4);
585     assert(J(CN(1, CP.post), CN(2, CP.begin)) in scaffold4);
586     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post)) in scaffold4);
587     assert(scaffold4.edges.walkLength == 4);
589     //  Case 5:
590     //
591     //      o        oxxxxo        o
592     //              /      \
593     //        o -- o        o -- o
594     auto scaffold5 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!int, int)(2, [
595         getUnkownJoin!int(1, 2, 1),
596         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post), 1),
597         J(CN(2, CP.pre), CN(2, CP.begin), 1),
598     ]).normalizeUnkownJoins!int;
599     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(1) in scaffold5);
600     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(2) in scaffold5);
601     assert(getUnkownJoin!int(1, 2, 1) in scaffold5);
602     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post)) in scaffold5);
603     assert(J(CN(2, CP.pre), CN(2, CP.begin)) in scaffold5);
604     assert(scaffold5.edges.walkLength == 5);
606     //  Case 6:
607     //
608     //      o        oxxxxo        o  =>  o        o    o        o
609     //              /                 =>          /
610     //        o -- o        o -- o    =>    o -- o        o -- o
611     //                      |         =>                  |
612     //                      o -- o    =>                  o -- o
613     //                                =>
614     //                    o        o  =>                o        o
615     auto scaffold6 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!int, int)(3, [
616         getUnkownJoin!int(1, 2, 1),
617         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post), 1),
618         J(CN(2, CP.begin), CN(3, CP.begin), 1),
619     ]).normalizeUnkownJoins!int;
620     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(1) in scaffold6);
621     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(2) in scaffold6);
622     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(3) in scaffold6);
623     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post)) in scaffold6);
624     assert(J(CN(2, CP.begin), CN(3, CP.begin)) in scaffold6);
625     assert(scaffold6.edges.walkLength == 5);
627     //  Case 7:
628     //
629     //      o        oxxxxo        o  =>  o        o    o        o
630     //                                =>
631     //        o -- o        o -- o    =>    o -- o        o -- o
632     //             |                  =>         |
633     //        o -- o                  =>    o -- o
634     //                                =>
635     //      o        o                =>  o        o
636     auto scaffold7 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!int, int)(3, [
637         getUnkownJoin!int(1, 2, 1),
638         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(3, CP.end), 1),
639     ]).normalizeUnkownJoins!int;
640     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(1) in scaffold7);
641     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(2) in scaffold7);
642     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(3) in scaffold7);
643     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(3, CP.end)) in scaffold7);
644     assert(scaffold7.edges.walkLength == 4);
646     //  Case 8:
647     //
648     //      o        oxxxxo        o  =>  o        o    o        o
649     //                     \          =>                 \
650     //        o -- o        o -- o    =>    o -- o        o -- o
651     //             |                  =>         |
652     //        o -- o                  =>    o -- o
653     //                                =>
654     //      o        o                =>  o        o
655     auto scaffold8 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!int, int)(3, [
656         getUnkownJoin!int(1, 2, 1),
657         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(3, CP.end), 1),
658         J(CN(2, CP.pre), CN(2, CP.begin), 1),
659     ]).normalizeUnkownJoins!int;
660     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(1) in scaffold8);
661     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(2) in scaffold8);
662     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(3) in scaffold8);
663     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(3, CP.end)) in scaffold8);
664     assert(J(CN(2, CP.pre), CN(2, CP.begin)) in scaffold8);
665     assert(scaffold8.edges.walkLength == 5);
667     //  Case 9:
668     //
669     //      o        oxxxxo        o  =>  o        o    o        o
670     //                                =>
671     //        o -- o        o -- o    =>    o -- o        o -- o
672     //             |        |         =>         |        |
673     //             o ------ o         =>         o ------ o
674     //                                =>
675     //           o            o       =>       o            o
676     auto scaffold9 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!int, int)(3, [
677         getUnkownJoin!int(1, 2, 1),
678         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(3, CP.begin), 1),
679         J(CN(2, CP.begin), CN(3, CP.end), 1),
680     ]).normalizeUnkownJoins!int;
681     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(1) in scaffold9);
682     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(2) in scaffold9);
683     assert(getDefaultJoin!int(3) in scaffold9);
684     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(3, CP.begin)) in scaffold9);
685     assert(J(CN(2, CP.begin), CN(3, CP.end)) in scaffold9);
686     assert(scaffold9.edges.walkLength == 5);
687 }
689 /// Determine which kinds of joins are allowed.
690 enum JoinPolicy
691 {
692     /// Only join gaps inside of scaffolds (marked by `n`s in FASTA).
693     scaffoldGaps,
694     /// Join gaps inside of scaffolds (marked by `n`s in FASTA) and try to
695     /// join scaffolds.
696     scaffolds,
697     /// Break input into contigs and re-scaffold everything; maintains scaffold gaps where new
698     /// scaffolds are consistent.
699     contigs,
700 }
702 /// Enforce joinPolicy in scaffold.
703 Scaffold!T enforceJoinPolicy(T)(Scaffold!T scaffold, in JoinPolicy joinPolicy)
704 {
705     mixin(traceExecution);
707     if (joinPolicy == JoinPolicy.contigs)
708     {
709         // Just do nothing; this is the default mode of operation.
710         return scaffold;
711     }
713     alias orderByNodes = Scaffold!T.orderByNodes;
715     assert(joinPolicy == JoinPolicy.scaffoldGaps || joinPolicy == JoinPolicy.scaffolds);
717     auto allowedJoins = scaffold
718         .edges
719         .filter!isUnkown
720         .map!(join => only(
721             Join!T(
722                 ContigNode(join.start.contigId, ContigPart.end),
723                 ContigNode(join.start.contigId, ContigPart.post),
724             ),
725             Join!T(
726                 ContigNode(join.start.contigId, ContigPart.end),
727                 ContigNode(join.end.contigId, ContigPart.begin),
728             ),
729             Join!T(
730                 ContigNode(join.end.contigId, ContigPart.pre),
731                 ContigNode(join.end.contigId, ContigPart.begin),
732             ),
733         ))
734         .joiner;
735     auto gapJoins = scaffold.edges.filter!isGap;
736     auto forbiddenJoins = setDifference!orderByNodes(gapJoins, allowedJoins).array;
738     // NOTE: joins between scaffolds will be re-included into the graph later
739     //       if joinPolicy == scaffolds.
740     foreach (forbiddenJoin; forbiddenJoins)
741     {
742         forbiddenJoin.payload = T.init;
743         scaffold.add!(scaffold.ConflictStrategy.replace)(forbiddenJoin);
744     }
746     scaffold = removeNoneJoins!T(scaffold);
748     if (joinPolicy == JoinPolicy.scaffolds)
749     {
750         scaffold = normalizeUnkownJoins!T(scaffold);
752         alias validJoin = (candidate) => scaffold.degree(candidate.start) == 1
753             && scaffold.degree(candidate.end) == 1;
754         foreach (scaffoldJoin; forbiddenJoins.filter!validJoin)
755         {
756             scaffold.add(scaffoldJoin);
757         }
759         if (shouldLog(LogLevel.info))
760         {
761             forbiddenJoins = forbiddenJoins.filter!(j => !validJoin(j)).array;
762         }
763     }
765     logJsonInfo("forbiddenJoins", forbiddenJoins
766         .filter!(gapJoin => scaffold.degree(gapJoin.start) == 1 && scaffold.degree(gapJoin.end) == 1)
767         .map!(join => [
768             "start": join.start.toJson,
769             "end": join.end.toJson,
770         ])
771         .array
772         .toJson);
774     return scaffold;
775 }
777 /// Enforce joinPolicy in scaffold.
778 Scaffold!T removeExtensions(T)(Scaffold!T scaffold)
779 {
780     auto extensionJoins = scaffold.edges.filter!isExtension;
782     foreach (extensionJoin; extensionJoins)
783     {
784         extensionJoin.payload = T.init;
785         scaffold.add!(scaffold.ConflictStrategy.replace)(extensionJoin);
786     }
788     return removeNoneJoins!T(scaffold);
789 }
791 /// Remove marked edges from the graph. This always keeps the default edges.
792 Scaffold!T removeNoneJoins(T)(Scaffold!T scaffold)
793 {
794     scaffold.filterEdges!(noneJoinFilter!T);
796     return scaffold;
797 }
799 bool noneJoinFilter(T)(Join!T join)
800 {
801     return isDefault(join) || join.payload != T.init;
802 }
804 /// Remove extension edges were they coincide with a gap edge combining their
805 /// payload. This is intended to build pile ups with all reads that contribute
806 /// to each gap.
807 Scaffold!T mergeExtensionsWithGaps(alias mergePayloads, T)(Scaffold!T scaffold)
808 {
809     foreach (contigNode; scaffold.nodes)
810     {
811         assert(!contigNode.contigPart.isTranscendent || scaffold.degree(contigNode) <= 1);
812         assert(scaffold.degree(contigNode) <= 3);
814         if (contigNode.contigPart.isReal && scaffold.degree(contigNode) == 3)
815         {
816             auto incidentJoins = scaffold.incidentEdges(contigNode)
817                 .filter!(j => !isDefault(j)).array;
818             assert(incidentJoins.length == 2);
819             // The gap join has real `contigPart`s on both ends.
820             int gapJoinIdx = incidentJoins[0].target(contigNode).contigPart.isReal ? 0 : 1;
821             auto gapJoin = incidentJoins[gapJoinIdx];
822             auto extensionJoin = incidentJoins[$ - gapJoinIdx - 1];
824             gapJoin.payload = binaryFun!mergePayloads(gapJoin.payload, extensionJoin.payload);
825             extensionJoin.payload = T.init;
827             scaffold.add!(scaffold.ConflictStrategy.replace)(gapJoin);
828             scaffold.add!(scaffold.ConflictStrategy.replace)(extensionJoin);
829         }
830     }
832     return removeNoneJoins!T(scaffold);
833 }
835 ///
836 unittest
837 {
838     alias J = Join!int;
839     alias S = Scaffold!int;
840     alias CN = ContigNode;
841     alias CP = ContigPart;
842     //   contig 1      contig 2
843     //
844     //  o        o     o        o
845     //          / e1 e2 \      / e4
846     //    o -- o ------- o -- o
847     //              e3
848     //
849     //    o -- o         o -- o         o -- o
850     //                         \ e7 e8 /      \ e9
851     //  o        o     o        o     o        o
852     //
853     //   contig 5       contig 4      contig 3
854     //
855     auto scaffold = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!int, int)(5, [
856         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post ), 1), // e1
857         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post ), 1), // e1
858         J(CN(2, CP.pre), CN(2, CP.begin), 1), // e2
859         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.begin), 1), // e3
860         J(CN(2, CP.end), CN(2, CP.post ), 1), // e4
861         J(CN(4, CP.end), CN(4, CP.post ), 1), // e7
862         J(CN(3, CP.pre), CN(3, CP.begin), 1), // e8
863         J(CN(3, CP.end), CN(3, CP.post ), 1), // e9
864     ]).mergeExtensionsWithGaps!("a + b", int);
866     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(1, CP.post)) !in scaffold); // e1
867     assert(J(CN(2, CP.pre), CN(2, CP.begin)) !in scaffold); // e2
868     assert(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.begin)) in scaffold); // e3
869     assert(J(CN(2, CP.end), CN(2, CP.post)) in scaffold); // e4
870     assert(J(CN(4, CP.end), CN(4, CP.post)) in scaffold); // e7
871     assert(J(CN(3, CP.pre), CN(3, CP.begin)) in scaffold); // e8
872     assert(J(CN(3, CP.end), CN(3, CP.post)) in scaffold); // e9
874     assert(scaffold.get(J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.begin))).payload == 4); // merged 2 * e1 + e2 + e3
875 }
877 /**
878     Performs a linear walk through a scaffold graph starting in startNode.
879     A linear walk is a sequence of adjacent joins where no node is visited
880     twice unless the graph is cyclic in which case the first node will appear
881     twice. The implementation requires the graph to have linear components,
882     ie. for every node the degree must be at most two. If the component of
883     `startNode` is cyclic then the walk will in `startNode` and the `isCyclic`
884     flag will be set.
886     The direction of the walk can be influenced by giving `firstJoin`.
888     **Note:** if one wants to read the `isCyclic` flag it is required to use
889     `std.range.refRange` in most cases.
891     Returns: range of joins in the scaffold graph.
892     Throws: MissingNodeException if any node is encountered that is not part
893             of the graph.
894 */
895 LinearWalk!T linearWalk(T)(
896     Scaffold!T scaffold,
897     ContigNode startNode,
898     Scaffold!T.IncidentEdgesCache incidentEdgesCache = Scaffold!T.IncidentEdgesCache.init,
899 )
900 {
901     return LinearWalk!T(scaffold, startNode, incidentEdgesCache);
902 }
904 /// ditto
905 LinearWalk!T linearWalk(T)(
906     Scaffold!T scaffold,
907     ContigNode startNode,
908     Join!T firstJoin,
909     Scaffold!T.IncidentEdgesCache incidentEdgesCache = Scaffold!T.IncidentEdgesCache.init,
910 )
911 {
912     return LinearWalk!T(scaffold, startNode, firstJoin, incidentEdgesCache);
913 }
915 ///
916 unittest
917 {
918     alias Payload = int;
919     alias J = Join!Payload;
920     alias S = Scaffold!Payload;
921     alias CN = ContigNode;
922     alias CP = ContigPart;
923     //   contig 1      contig 2
924     //
925     //  o        o     o        o
926     //                         / e4
927     //    o -- o ------- o -- o
928     //              e3
929     //
930     //    o -- o         o -- o         o -- o
931     //                         \ e7 e8 /      \ e9
932     //  o        o     o        o     o        o
933     //
934     //   contig 5       contig 4      contig 3
935     //
936     auto joins1 = [
937         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.begin), 1), // e3
938         J(CN(2, CP.end), CN(2, CP.post ), 1), // e4
939         J(CN(4, CP.end), CN(4, CP.post ), 1), // e7
940         J(CN(3, CP.pre), CN(3, CP.begin), 1), // e8
941         J(CN(3, CP.end), CN(3, CP.post ), 1), // e9
942     ];
943     auto scaffold1 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!Payload, Payload)(5, joins1);
944     auto scaffold1Cache = scaffold1.allIncidentEdges();
945     auto walks1 = [
946         [
947             getDefaultJoin!Payload(1),
948             joins1[0],
949             getDefaultJoin!Payload(2),
950             joins1[1],
951         ],
952         [
953             getDefaultJoin!Payload(4),
954             joins1[2],
955         ],
956         [
957             joins1[3],
958             getDefaultJoin!Payload(3),
959             joins1[4],
960         ],
961     ];
963     alias getWalkStart = (walk) => walk[0].source(walk[0].getConnectingNode(walk[1]));
965     foreach (walk; walks1)
966     {
967         auto reverseWalk = walk.retro.array;
968         auto computedWalk = linearWalk!Payload(scaffold1, getWalkStart(walk));
969         auto computedReverseWalk = linearWalk!Payload(scaffold1, getWalkStart(reverseWalk));
971         assert(equal(walk[], refRange(&computedWalk)));
972         assert(!computedWalk.isCyclic);
973         assert(equal(reverseWalk[], refRange(&computedReverseWalk)));
974         assert(!computedReverseWalk.isCyclic);
975     }
977     foreach (walk; walks1)
978     {
979         auto reverseWalk = walk.retro.array;
980         auto computedWalk = linearWalk!Payload(scaffold1, getWalkStart(walk), scaffold1Cache);
981         auto computedReverseWalk = linearWalk!Payload(scaffold1, getWalkStart(reverseWalk), scaffold1Cache);
983         assert(equal(walk[], refRange(&computedWalk)));
984         assert(!computedWalk.isCyclic);
985         assert(equal(reverseWalk[], refRange(&computedReverseWalk)));
986         assert(!computedReverseWalk.isCyclic);
987     }
989     //   contig 1      contig 2
990     //
991     //  o        o     o        o
992     //
993     //              e1
994     //    o -- o ------- o -- o
995     //     \_________________/
996     //              e2
997     //
998     auto joins2 = [
999         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.begin), 1), // e1
1000         J(CN(2, CP.end), CN(1, CP.begin ), 1), // e2
1001     ];
1002     auto scaffold2 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!Payload, Payload)(2, joins2);
1003     auto scaffold2Cache = scaffold2.allIncidentEdges();
1004     auto walk2 = [
1005         getDefaultJoin!Payload(1),
1006         joins2[0],
1007         getDefaultJoin!Payload(2),
1008         joins2[1],
1009     ];
1011     {
1012         auto computedWalk = linearWalk!Payload(scaffold2, getWalkStart(walk2), walk2[0]);
1013         auto reverseWalk2 = walk2.retro.array;
1014         auto computedReverseWalk2 = linearWalk!Payload(scaffold2,
1015                 getWalkStart(reverseWalk2), reverseWalk2[0]);
1017         assert(equal(walk2[], refRange(&computedWalk)));
1018         assert(computedWalk.isCyclic);
1019         assert(equal(reverseWalk2[], refRange(&computedReverseWalk2)));
1020         assert(computedWalk.isCyclic);
1021     }
1023     {
1024         auto computedWalk = linearWalk!Payload(scaffold2, getWalkStart(walk2), walk2[0], scaffold2Cache);
1025         auto reverseWalk2 = walk2.retro.array;
1026         auto computedReverseWalk2 = linearWalk!Payload(scaffold2,
1027                 getWalkStart(reverseWalk2), reverseWalk2[0], scaffold2Cache);
1029         assert(equal(walk2[], refRange(&computedWalk)));
1030         assert(computedWalk.isCyclic);
1031         assert(equal(reverseWalk2[], refRange(&computedReverseWalk2)));
1032         assert(computedWalk.isCyclic);
1033     }
1034 }
1036 struct LinearWalk(T)
1037 {
1038     alias IncidentEdgesCache = Scaffold!T.IncidentEdgesCache;
1039     static enum emptyIncidentEdgesCache = IncidentEdgesCache.init;
1041     private Scaffold!T scaffold;
1042     private IncidentEdgesCache incidentEdgesCache;
1043     private size_t currentNodeIdx;
1044     private Join!T currentJoin;
1045     private bool isEmpty = false;
1046     private Flag!"isCyclic" isCyclic = No.isCyclic;
1047     private NaturalNumberSet visitedNodes;
1049     /// Start linear walk through a scaffold graph in startNode.
1050     this(
1051         Scaffold!T scaffold,
1052         ContigNode startNode,
1053         IncidentEdgesCache incidentEdgesCache = emptyIncidentEdgesCache,
1054     )
1055     {
1056         this.scaffold = scaffold;
1057         this.incidentEdgesCache = incidentEdgesCache == emptyIncidentEdgesCache
1058             ? scaffold.allIncidentEdges()
1059             : incidentEdgesCache;
1060         this.currentNode = startNode;
1061         this.visitedNodes.reserveFor(this.scaffold.nodes.length - 1);
1062         this.markVisited(this.currentNodeIdx);
1063         this.popFront();
1064     }
1066     /// Start linear walk through a scaffold graph in startNode.
1067     this(
1068         Scaffold!T scaffold,
1069         ContigNode startNode,
1070         Join!T firstJoin,
1071         IncidentEdgesCache incidentEdgesCache = emptyIncidentEdgesCache,
1072     )
1073     {
1074         this.scaffold = scaffold;
1075         this.incidentEdgesCache = incidentEdgesCache == emptyIncidentEdgesCache
1076             ? scaffold.allIncidentEdges()
1077             : incidentEdgesCache;
1078         this.currentNode = startNode;
1079         this.visitedNodes.reserveFor(this.scaffold.nodes.length - 1);
1080         this.markVisited(this.currentNodeIdx);
1081         this.currentJoin = firstJoin;
1082         currentNode = currentJoin.target(currentNode);
1083         this.markVisited(this.currentNodeIdx);
1084     }
1086     void popFront()
1087     {
1088         assert(!empty, "Attempting to popFront an empty LinearWalk");
1089         assert(scaffold.degree(currentNode) <= 2, "fork in linear walk");
1091         // If isCyclic is set then the last edge of the cycle is being popped.
1092         // Thus we stop.
1093         if (isCyclic)
1094         {
1095             return endOfWalk();
1096         }
1098         auto candidateEdges = incidentEdgesCache[currentNode]
1099             .filter!(join => !visitedNodes.has(scaffold.indexOf(join.target(currentNode))));
1100         bool noSuccessorNodes = candidateEdges.empty;
1102         if (noSuccessorNodes)
1103         {
1104             // Iff the current node has more than one neighbor the graph has
1105             // a cycle.
1106             if (scaffold.degree(currentNode) > 1)
1107             {
1108                 assert(scaffold.degree(currentNode) == 2);
1110                 return lastEdgeOfCycle();
1111             }
1112             else
1113             {
1114                 return endOfWalk();
1115             }
1116         }
1118         currentJoin = candidateEdges.front;
1119         currentNode = currentJoin.target(currentNode);
1120         markVisited(currentNodeIdx);
1121     }
1123     @property Join!T front()
1124     {
1125         assert(!empty, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty LinearWalk");
1126         return currentJoin;
1127     }
1129     @property bool empty()
1130     {
1131         return isEmpty;
1132     }
1134     private void lastEdgeOfCycle()
1135     {
1136         isCyclic = Yes.isCyclic;
1137         // Find the missing edge.
1138         currentJoin = scaffold
1139             .incidentEdges(currentNode)
1140             .filter!(join => join != currentJoin)
1141             .front;
1142     }
1144     private void endOfWalk()
1145     {
1146         currentNodeIdx = scaffold.nodes.length;
1147         isEmpty = true;
1148     }
1150     private @property ContigNode currentNode()
1151     {
1152         return scaffold.nodes[currentNodeIdx];
1153     }
1155     private @property void currentNode(ContigNode node)
1156     {
1157         this.currentNodeIdx = this.scaffold.indexOf(node);
1158     }
1160     private void markVisited(size_t nodeIdx)
1161     {
1162         this.visitedNodes.add(nodeIdx);
1163     }
1164 }
1166 /// Get a range of `ContigNode`s where full contig walks should start.
1167 auto scaffoldStarts(T)(
1168     Scaffold!T scaffold,
1169     Scaffold!T.IncidentEdgesCache incidentEdgesCache = Scaffold!T.IncidentEdgesCache.init,
1170 )
1171 {
1172     static struct ContigStarts
1173     {
1174         alias IncidentEdgesCache = Scaffold!T.IncidentEdgesCache;
1175         static enum emptyIncidentEdgesCache = IncidentEdgesCache.init;
1177         Scaffold!T scaffold;
1178         IncidentEdgesCache incidentEdgesCache;
1179         bool _empty = false;
1180         NaturalNumberSet unvisitedNodes;
1181         ContigNode currentContigStart;
1183         this(Scaffold!T scaffold, IncidentEdgesCache incidentEdgesCache = emptyIncidentEdgesCache)
1184         {
1185             this.scaffold = scaffold;
1186             this.incidentEdgesCache = incidentEdgesCache == emptyIncidentEdgesCache
1187                 ? scaffold.allIncidentEdges()
1188                 : incidentEdgesCache;
1189             unvisitedNodes.reserveFor(scaffold.nodes.length);
1191             foreach (nodeIdx; iota(scaffold.nodes.length))
1192             {
1193                 unvisitedNodes.add(nodeIdx);
1194             }
1196             popFront();
1197         }
1199         void popFront()
1200         {
1201             ContigNode walkToEndNode(ContigNode lastNode, Join!T walkEdge)
1202             {
1203                 auto nextNode = walkEdge.target(lastNode);
1204                 unvisitedNodes.remove(scaffold.indexOf(nextNode));
1206                 return nextNode;
1207             }
1209             assert(!empty, "Attempting to popFront an empty ContigStarts");
1211             if (unvisitedNodes.empty)
1212             {
1213                 _empty = true;
1215                 return;
1216             }
1218             auto unvisitedNodeIdx = unvisitedNodes.minElement();
1219             auto unvisitedNode = scaffold.nodes[unvisitedNodeIdx];
1220             auto unvisitedNodeDegree = incidentEdgesCache[unvisitedNode].length;
1221             unvisitedNodes.remove(unvisitedNodeIdx);
1223             // Ignore unconnected nodes.
1224             if (unvisitedNodeDegree > 0)
1225             {
1226                 auto endNodes = incidentEdgesCache[unvisitedNode]
1227                     .map!(firstEdge => linearWalk!T(scaffold, unvisitedNode, firstEdge, incidentEdgesCache)
1228                         .fold!walkToEndNode(unvisitedNode));
1229                 currentContigStart = unvisitedNodeDegree == 1
1230                     // If the start node has only one edge it is itself an end node.
1231                     ? minElement(endNodes, unvisitedNode)
1232                     : minElement(endNodes);
1233             }
1234             else
1235             {
1236                 popFront();
1237             }
1238         }
1240         @property ContigNode front() pure nothrow
1241         {
1242             assert(!empty, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty ContigStarts");
1243             return currentContigStart;
1244         }
1246         @property bool empty() const pure nothrow
1247         {
1248             return _empty;
1249         }
1250     }
1252     return ContigStarts(scaffold, incidentEdgesCache);
1253 }
1255 ///
1256 unittest
1257 {
1258     alias Payload = int;
1259     alias J = Join!Payload;
1260     alias S = Scaffold!Payload;
1261     alias CN = ContigNode;
1262     alias CP = ContigPart;
1263     //   contig 1      contig 2
1264     //
1265     //  o        o     o        o
1266     //                         / e4
1267     //    o -- o ------- o -- o
1268     //              e3
1269     //
1270     //    o -- o         o -- o         o -- o
1271     //                         \ e7 e8 /      \ e9
1272     //  o        o     o        o     o        o
1273     //
1274     //   contig 5       contig 4      contig 3
1275     //
1276     auto scaffold1 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!Payload, Payload)(5, [
1277         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.begin), 1), // e3
1278         J(CN(2, CP.end), CN(2, CP.post ), 1), // e4
1279         J(CN(4, CP.end), CN(4, CP.post ), 1), // e7
1280         J(CN(3, CP.pre), CN(3, CP.begin), 1), // e8
1281         J(CN(3, CP.end), CN(3, CP.post ), 1), // e9
1282     ]);
1284     assert(equal(scaffoldStarts!Payload(scaffold1), [
1285         CN(1, CP.begin),
1286         CN(3, CP.pre),
1287         CN(4, CP.begin),
1288         CN(5, CP.begin),
1289     ]));
1291     //   contig 1      contig 2
1292     //
1293     //  o        o     o        o
1294     //
1295     //              e1
1296     //    o -- o ------- o -- o
1297     //     \_________________/
1298     //              e2
1299     //
1300     auto scaffold2 = buildScaffold!(sumPayloads!Payload, Payload)(2, [
1301         J(CN(1, CP.end), CN(2, CP.begin), 1), // e1
1302         J(CN(2, CP.end), CN(1, CP.begin ), 1), // e2
1303     ]);
1305     assert(equal(scaffoldStarts!Payload(scaffold2), [
1306         CN(1, CP.begin),
1307     ]));
1308 }